Sunday, June 6, 2010

Across the Content Areas

Well, I'm starting a new class, on a slightly different yet related topic--reading and writing across the disciplines.  The course focuses on helping students read for meaning, rather than on learning to decode.  I seek to present reading not only as a cognitive act but also a social practice and writing as a vehicle for learning as well as a means for communicating within disciplines and other discourse communities.


  1. This information is much needed by teachers, particularly in the upper graes where it is assumed that students have learned to read and are now ready to read to learn. Thank you for offering this class.

  2. I'm looking forward to another semester of learning with you. Your quote about literacy in honest hands is very gripping.
    I found another one you might like:
    "In the clash between the conventions of the book and the protocols of the screen, the screen will prevail. On this screen, now visible to one billion people on earth, the technology of search will transform isolated books into the universal library of all human knowledge." -- Kevin Kelly

  3. I am slowly but surely finding my way around the internet with "Blogs", "Wiki's", and "All That Jazz" (I have that as a ringtone for text messages. Looking forward to this class and the challanges it will bring for me to move out of my comfort zone. Thanks

  4. This is something we as teachers need to continually work on. I'm sure everything we learn in this class will be better than what the basal textbook tells us to do!

  5. Thank you for teaching this class! I learned things I would never imagine I could learn! The collaboration of teacher ideas was brilliant because I felt I walked away with almost reading 15 books and great lesson plan ideas. Also, my view about reading and writing has opened up to a variety of angles. This will be my tenth year teaching and I feel this course was an excellent transition into becoming a better teacher. Awesome Class!
